
Illinois state constitution review Answer Key

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Government Vocab
#1 Money Bills Appropriations
#2 A way for a state to remove an elected official before their term of office is over Recall
#3 Party leaders who try to get legislation passed floor leaders
#4 The person who makes sure that state money is spent according to the law Auditor
#5 Rule issued by a Governor that has the same effect as law Executive Order
Government Vocab
#1 Person in charge of state records, the Great seal, and the dmv Secretary of State
#2 Dispute settled between people over their rights or duties as citizens Civil Court Case
#3 The kind of Court Case where the government is always one of the parties Criminal Court Case
#4 An order to stop doing something Injunction
#5 Time after the indictment when a defendant is asked Guilty or Not Guilty Arraignment
Executive Branch
#1 This is the role that the Governor plays in IL State Government Head of the Executive Branch
#2 Name the main responsibility of the Executive Branch Enforce the laws
#3 In the executive branch which position is responsible for paying the state's bills Comptroller
#4 What is the main function of the Lieutenant Governor To do what is requested of him by the Governor
#5 In what state was the Governor actually Recalled California
Legislative Branch
#1 Name the main responsibility of the Legislative Branch Make Laws
#2 How many times must a bill be read in order for it to be voted on 3
#3 The Illinois congress is known as what The General Assembly
#4 Where can bills start in the IL government In either the house or the senate
#5 Explain how the terms of IL state senators works By District 2-2-4 4-2-2 2-4-2
Judicial Branch
#1 What is our Legislative District 38
#2 Appellate courts handle what kind of cases Appeals
#3 Name the main responsibility of the Judicial Branch Interpret the laws of the state
#4 How many supreme court judges are on the IL Supreme Court 7
#5 The general Trial court in Illinois is called what Circuit Court
Final Question
This is a way for citizens of the state of Illinois to introduce legislation Initiative