
Figurative Language Answer Key

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#1 The term that means “a comparison between two or more things that doesn't use the words like or as.' Metaphor
#2 The term that meas 'Words that sound alike' Rhyme
#3 The term that means 'an expression in which the words used do not represent the meaning of the expression.' Idiom
#4 The term that means 'the repetition of sounds at the beginning of the words' Alliteration
#5 The term that means 'exageration' 'larger than life' Hyperbole
Idiom Explanations
#1 The meaning of this idiom 'Break a leg.' 'Good luck!'
#2 The meaning of this idiom ' Ms. Barber has a heart of gold' Ms. Barber is a very kind person
#3 The meaning of this idiom ' Michael is full of bologna' 'Michael tells stories that are not true
#4 The meaning of this idiom 'That problem is small potatoes.' 'The problem is unimportant.'
#5 The meaning of this idiom ' I have a frog in my throat' My voice sounds very strange
#1 The figurative language device used here: Her feet are as cold as ice! Simile
#2 The figurative language device used here: My sister's room is a pig pen. Metaphor
#3 The figurative language device used here: The sun winked at me through the clouds. Personification
#4 The figurative language device used here: I love mashing melting marshmellows. Alliteration
#5 The figurative language device used here: My refrigerator is running well since we had it fixed. NONE
Comparing What?
#1 The meaning of this metaphor: Brian was a wall, bouncing every tennis ball back over the net. Brian wouldn't allow the balls passed him; he returned them.
#2 The meaning of this metaphor: We would have had more pizza to eat if Tammy hadn’t been such a hog. Tammy ate a large amount.
#3 The meaning of this metaphor: Cindy was such a mule. We couldn’t get her to change her mind. Cindy was stubborn.
#4 The items being compared: Chuck was flopping like a fish on a line. Chuck and a fish
#5 The itmes being compared: She walks as gracefully and elegantly as a cat. Walk and cat
Personification or not?
#1 Is this personifiction: The boy fought like a bear. No
#2 Is this personifiction: 'Oreo: Milk's favorite cookie.' Yes
#3 Is this personifiction: Time waits for no one. Yes
#4 Is this personifiction: The car was working fine. No
#5 Is this personifiction: The bear walked alone by the river. No
Final Question
Create your own hyberbole.