
Division Answer Key

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Divide by 1-Digit Divisors
#1 388 ÷ 4 = ? 97
#2 520 ÷ 8 = ? 65
#3 2,205 ÷ 6 = ? 367 r3
#4 6,033 ÷ 5 = ? 1,206 r 3
#5 Find the dividend: ______ ÷ 9 = 125 1,125
Partial Quotients
#1 Solve using partial quotients: 236 ÷ 18 = ? 13
#2 Solve using partial quotients: 418 ÷ 22 = ? 19
#3 Solve using partial quotients: 715 ÷ 25 = ? 28 r15
#4 Solve using partial quotients: 1,450 ÷ 32 = ? 45
#5 Solve using partial quotients: 4,024 ÷ 68 = ? 59 r12
Estimating with 2-Digit Divisors
#1 217 ÷ 67 = ? 210 ÷ 70 = 3 (or any reasonable answer)
#2 1,322 ÷ 18 = ? 1,200 ÷ 20 = 60 (or any reasonable answer)
#3 1,624 ÷ 23 = ? 1,600 ÷ 20 = 80 (or any reasonable answer)
#4 2,000 ÷ 88 = ? 1,800 ÷ 90 = 20 (or any reasonable answer)
#5 4,179 ÷ 84 = ? 4,000 ÷ 80 = 50 (or any reasonable answer)
Divide by 2-Digit Divisors
#1 1,955 ÷ 85 = ? 23
#2 3,774 ÷ 37 = ? 102
#3 1,099 ÷ 54 = ? 20 r19
#4 6,466 ÷ 32 = ? 202 r2
#5 Find the dividend: _______ ÷ 35 = 112 r7 3,927
Interpreting the Remainder
#1 Marcia has 412 bouquets of flowers for centerpieces. She uses 8 flowers for each centerpiece. How many centerpieces can she make? 51 centerpieces
#2 Fiona bought 212 stickers to make a sticker book. If she places 18 stickers on each page, how many pages will her sticker book have? 12 pages
#3 Dylan's hiking club is planning to stay overnight at a camping lodge. Each large room can hold 15 hikers. There are 154 hikers. How many rooms will they need? 15 rooms
#4 Henry and 28 classmates go to the roller skating rink. Each van can hold 11 students. If all of the vans are full except one, how many students are in the van that is not full? 7 students
#5 Jenny has 220 ounces of cleaning solution that she wants to divide equally among 12 large containers. How much cleaning solution should she put in each container? 18 1/3 ounces
Final Question
Maureen has 243 ounces of trail mix. She puts an equal number of ounces in each of 15 bags. How many ounces of trail mix does Maureen have left over? 3 ounces