
Atoms, Elements, Molecules, Compoundsand Mixtures Answer Key

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How is an atom related to matter?

An atom is the smallest particles of matter.

#2 What is the charge of a proton and what is the charge of a neutron?

A protons have a postitive charge and a neutron have a nuetral charge.

#3 How do you know the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom? the atomic number
#4 Why is the atomic mass important? Atomic Mass helps to determine how many neutrons are in an atom.
#5 Describe why atoms are electrically nuetral. Since there are the same number of protons and electrons in an atom, the charges cancel each other out.
Elements and Atoms
#1 What is an element? An element is a prue substance that can't be broken down into simpler substances by ordinary chemical means.
#2 How is an atom related to an element? Each kind of atom is element
#3 What is the particle located on the outside of the nucleus and what is it's charge? An electron and it has a negative charge
#4 List the particles located in the nucleus of an atom and their charge. Protons, neutrons, electrons
#5 What is the main feature used to distinguish the atoms of different kinds of elements? the atomic structure
Molecules, Compounds, and Mixtures
#1 Define compound. A substance produced when elements combine and whose properties are different from each of the elements.
#2 What is the difference between a compound and a mixture? Compound is formed chemically, while a mixture is when a pure substances combine but do not join.
#3 What is the difference between a heterogeneous and homogenous mixture? Both are combinations of pure substances, but homogeneous mixtures can easily be seperated by physical means. Homogeneous mixtures can not.
#4 Compare and contrast compounds and mixtures? Compounds and mixtures are both combinations of pure substances. Mixtures are joined but compounds do not.
#5 What is the difference between an element and a compound? A compound is formed chemically, while an element is formed physically.
Basic Knowledge
#1 Define matter. Matter is the only thing that has a mass or volume.
#2 Define mass. Mass is the amount of matter in a substance
#3 Define volume. Volume is the amount of space the substance occupies
#4 Define mixture. A combination of compounds and elements that has not formed a new substance and whose proportions can be changed without changing the mixtures identity?
#5 Define molecule. A neutral particle formed when atoms share electrons.
Bonus Questions

Sodium is an element found in table salt. It contains 11 protona and 12 neutrons. How many electrons are found in a neutral atom of sodium?



 Soil is made up of pieces of rocks, woods, decayed plants, and many other materials. Soil is an example of...

 A mixture


 A pure substance that can be seperated into two or more simpler substances by chemical means is ...

a compound



A molecule of carbon dioxide is shown above. Based on the makeup of the molecule, what is the correct chemical formula for carbon dioxide?




If the chemical formula above is the formula for glucose, how many different elements make up one molecule of glucose?


Final Question
What is an isotope? Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have different numbers for neutrons it contains.